Need help with your van insurance quote?

Call us on 0333 414 9096

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Let's get started

To get you the best quote quickly, we've stripped out any unnecessary questions - please answer all the questions accurately.

Your Churchill Van Insurance quote and policy will be arranged and administered by Brightside Insurance Services Ltd, which is part of the Brightside Group Ltd. Please take a moment to read their Terms of Business.

Find your van

Do you know the registration number of the van you want to insure?

We've found a few different vehicles that match the options you've selected

Choose your vehicle from the list below


Filter List

Body type


Engine capacity


Number of doors


Gross vehicle weight




Fuel type


Clear All
{{vehicle.Model}} - {{vehicle.BodyType}} - {{vehicle.EngineCapacity}}cc - {{vehicle.Transmission.Description}} - ({{vehicle.ManufacturedFrom}}-{{vehicle.ManufacturedTo}})

Your van

We found this van:

{{selectedVehicle.Make}} {{selectedVehicle.Model}}

Engine capacity
Fuel type
Manufactured in

This isn't the correct van

Tracking device
Is left hand drive
No Yes
Number of seats
Purchase date
{{selectedVehicle.PurchaseDateTime | date:'d MMMM yyyy'}}
Market value

These details are not correct

Fuel type

Transmission type
If you have a semi-automatic gearbox, please choose automatic.

Transmission type

What type of immobiliser does your van have?
An immobiliser is an electronic security device which stops your van from being started unless you have the correct key. In other words, the van can only be started with its key, and hot-wiring it would be no use.
Factory-fitted immobilisers (i.e those fitted by the manufacturer) have been mandatory on all new vans since 1998, so if yours was built after then, it'll almost definitely have one, unless a previous owner has done some tinkering with it and disabled or removed it.
If you have an immobiliser that was not factory fitted, choose 'Other'.
If you're not sure and your van was built before 1998, you should choose 'None'.

What type of immobiliser does your van have?

What's the name of the immobiliser?
Please start typing the make of the immobiliser and we'll look-up the closest match in our list.
Like most insurers, we work from a standardised list so your immobiliser may not be in there. If you can't find an exact match, we won't be able to take it into account for your quote so please change your answer to the previous question to 'None'.

What is a tracker?
A tracker is a device that uses GPS technology to trace stolen vehicles. This technology increases the likelihood your van will be recovered if it's stolen.
Not sure if you have a tracker?
If you're not sure, then you probably don't have a tracker in your van. Most trackers need you to pay an annual subscription fee. The tracker must have an up-to-date subscription in order to be valid. If it's a used van, it might be worth checking with the former owner.

Does your van have a tracker?

What is the name of the tracker?
Please start typing the make of the tracker and we'll look-up the closest match in our list.
Like most insurers, we work from a standardised list so the tracker may not be in there.
If you can't find an exact match, we won't be able to take it into account for your quote so please change your answer to the previous question to 'No'.

Is your van left hand drive?


Ownership and usage

If you haven't bought this van yet...
That's no problem, we can still give you a quote. However, you'll need to have bought it before you can actually purchase your insurance.

Have you bought this van yet?

Haven't bought the van yet?
It's no problem if you haven't bought the van yet - we can still give you a quote. However, you'll need to change your answer to the above question to No, and you will also need to have bought it before you actually purchase your insurance.

/ /
Today Tomorrow

What's the difference between the registered keeper and the owner?
  1. The Registered Keeper of a vehicle should be the person that ‘keeps’ the car on a day to day basis and would normally be the primary user and name on the V5C. They will be the first point of contact for the police for any offences or queries relating to the use of the vehicle. They will also be the initial recipient for parking tickets, motoring offences, fines etc and are also responsible for making sure the vehicle is taxed, insured, is road-worthy and has a valid MOT.
  2. A Legal Owner is;
    • The person who purchased the vehicle
    • The person who received the vehicle as a gift or prize
    • An organisation or legal entity that bought the vehicle (company)

Are you the registered keeper and owner of this van (or will you be)?

Who is the owner?
Whoever bought this van, or received it as a gift or a prize is the owner.
The owner and the registered keeper are not always the same person. Sometimes a company or another person might own a van and make someone else the registered keeper.

Who is the owner?

How many miles does the van do a year?
We're after the number of miles you expect your van to cover in total next year. You'll need to include business and personal mileage for all drivers that you add to your quote. If you're not sure, see if you can check your mileage last year.
Think about how many miles you usually drive per day or per week, then multiply it up to get a yearly figure. Don't forget to add in an allowance for longer trips, such as visits, weekends away or holidays.
It's important to be accurate here as, if you need to make a claim and you've underestimated your mileage, you may not be fully covered. With this in mind, if you're in any doubt, it's best to go for slightly more mileage than you expect.


Where do you usually keep your van overnight?
Why are we asking this?
Vans are more likely to be broken into at night, so insurers look at how safe your van is overnight to help work out your quote.
What if it varies?
This isn't a problem. We understand that you might keep the van in different places depending on what you're doing. Please just choose where you leave your van most often at night.
And if none of these options are quite right...
Please choose "On the road"

Where do you usually keep your van overnight?

What do you use this van for?
Carriage of own goods
Choose this option if you use this van for work and will either be carrying goods that you own or other people's goods that you need in order to carry out your job (for example, carrying tools if you're a builder or cleaning equipment if you're a cleaner). This also covers you for social, domestic and pleasure use and commuting.
Social Domestic and Pleasure only
Choose this option only if you never use the van for work or commuting.
Social Domestic and Pleasure including Commuting
Choose this option if you also use the van for commuting but never use the van for work.
Haulage or Courier Use
Unfortunately, we do not provide cover if your vehicle is for haulage or courier use. If you would like to get a quote from our partner Brightside Insurance Services Ltd, click here.

What do you use this van for?

What are "dangerous goods"?
Any goods that pose a risk to people, property, and the environment count as dangerous goods. For example, explosives, flammables, fuming acids, solvents or pesticides.

Will any dangerous goods be carried in the van?

Is the van a tipper?

When was the business that uses this van established?
We need to know here how long the business that uses the van has been around to give you the best quote we can.
If you're a sole trader this still counts, so please tell us when you started trading.

Do you currently have any public liability insurance?

Why are we asking this?
Some insurers like to know if you're a member of a trade body or organisation as it can help them provide you with a more accurate quote.
We don't need to know the name of the organisation.

Are you a member of any trade body or organisation?

Changes to your van

Is your van fitted with any racking?
You should answer yes to this question if the van has any racking fitted on either the inside or outside. This includes racking that was factory-fitted as well as any that has been added to the van since it was built.

Is your van fitted with any racking?

Is your van sign written?
If your van has any permanent sign writing on its sides, front or back (for example, your company name and logo) choose yes for this question. Otherwise, answer no.

Does the van have any signs?

Has your van been modified in any other way?
If you or any of the previous owners have changed or added anything to the van since it was made (apart from signwriting or racking), please answer yes to this question.
If you're unsure if your van's been modified, check its previous history to find out.
Why do we need to know about this?
Modifications can increase the amount an insurer has to pay out in the event of a claim, so it's important that they understand if your van has been modified since it was made.

Has your van been modified in any other way?

What is the current market value of this van?
Where possible, we use an industry valuation service to show you how much we think this van is worth.
Why do we need to know this?
Insurers need to know how much this van is worth so they can understand what they may need to pay out for in the event of a claim.
Not happy with the value?
The insurer will normally pay up to the market value at the time of the loss. However, if you think this value is wrong (for example, if this van has been modified and is worth more), you can change it to whatever you think is appropriate.
And if there's nothing there already...
This means we haven't been able to find a valuation for this van.
Please just tell us how much the van would be worth (including modifications) if you sold it today (check out a few sale ads for vans with a similar mileage if you're not sure) or alternatively how much you're buying it for.